Seventh session of the National Commission for medical, phamaceutical and odontostomatological training of Cameroon (NCMPT)

The seventh session of the National Commission for Medical, Odontostomatological, and pharmaceutical Training was held on Thursday the 24th of May 2019, as from 10:00 am in the Conference hall of the Ministry of Higher Education presided over by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education.
Created by decree n° 055/PM of 10 th June 2018 by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, this commission is in charge of evaluating the quality the training of health professionals in state and private higher education establishments in Cameroon in order to consolidate the academic, technological and professional quality in the institutions of medical training.
ln attendance were ;the representative of the Minister of Public Health, a representative from the prime Minister’s service, the Rector of the University of Yaounde 1,the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea, representatives from of partner minitries, representatives from national orders of health professionals, the Deans of Government and recognised private training schools.
After adopting the minutes of the 6 th session which took place on the 25 th of May 2018, and the balance sheet of the national examinations organised in September and October 2018, the following recommendations and resolutions were adopted after frank and constructive debates:
I – Mutualisation of human resources
After appreciating the creation of the Conference of Heads of Medical training schools in Cameroon, the commission recommends that the leading team takes appropriate measures to ensure the effective mutualisation of human resources in order to ensure the mobility of the staff in medical training schools.
II – National Entrance Examination into the 4th year of Medical Training
The commission decides that the Entrance examination into the fourth year hence forth should not be organised systematically but will be organised whenever the need arises after motivated demands from the required schools.
III. Follow up of students in hospitals
The commission asks Heads of Medical training schools in Cameroon to reflect under the supervision of the Rector of the University of Yaounde1, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, in order to propose an academic status for specialists who ensure the follow up of students undergoing training in hospitals.
IV – Codification of interuniversity diplomas
The commission instructs to Conference of Heads of Medical training schools to propose possible means towards the codification of ail interuniversity diploma in reference to the requirernents of quality assurance.
V – Organization on national examinations, 2019 session
The members of the commission validated the examination calendar as weil as the number of students to be recruited in the national qualifying examination for medical training in Cameroon.
A the end of discussions, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, congratulated the participants for their positive contributions and exhorted them to invest more in the follow up the resolutions of the Commission. Download the press release
Done in Yaoundé, the 24 th of May, 2019