The University Coordination Commission (UCC), of October 07, 2020: Final Press release

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, chaired the University Coordination Commission (UCC), on October 07, 2020 as from 9:00 a.m. in the Conference room of the Hgher Teacher Training College of the University of Yaounde I. Attending this working session were the Representative of Prime Minister’s Office, Vice-Chancellors and Rectors of State Universities, representatives of MINFOPRA, MINEPAT, MINFI, MINESEC, MINRESI, as well as senior officials of the Ministry of Higher Education.
In his opening speech, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, after welcoming the participants, pointed out the particular context in which this meeting is holding, marked by the prevalence of the coronavirus pandemic having had an atypical impact on the course of academic activities.Continuing his speech, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education expressed his gratitude with regard to the New University Governance Policy initiated by His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State, implemented under the effective coordination of the Prime Minister, Head of Government. This policy is reflected in the development of the digital University through the Presidential E-national Higher Education Network Program and its components, the most visible of which are the donation of 500,000 computers to Cameroonian students, as well as the construction and equipping of nine University Digital Development Centers. This substantial achievement was consolidated on September 8, 2020 with the signing of a MINESUP-CAMTEL Framework Agreement aimed at providing the Higher Education System with very high-speed internet access, from 263 megabits per second (current situation) to 9334 megabits per second with a bandwidth of 16000 megabits. The Minister of State, finally conveyed the warm congratulations and encouragement of His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State and the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to the entire University Community for the fight against the Coronavirus within the campus, through the measures taken to allow activities of the 2019-2020 academic year to run smoothly.
- The CCU expresses its deep gratitude to the President of the Republic, Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA for the support granted to University Institutions within the framework of the special national solidarity fund for the fight against the coronavirus and the supports the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education in his dealings with the Government for the sustainability of the funding allocated to the operation as well as maintenance of the University Digital Development Centers;
- The CCU instructs the DAJ to propose regulations relating to the repression of activities related to the so-called Offshore Universities and other University Institutions operating irregularly;
- The CCU recommends to the IGA in conjunction with the technical structures concerned and the Conference of Heads of University Institutions to implement actions allowing appropriate management of professional Master’s degree training programs;
- The CCU recommends to the DAJ in conjunction with IGA and DDES to revisit Order N° 16/0521/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/DAJ of June 21, 2016 fixing the organization of training leading to the issuance of the Professional Master Diploma in Higher Education in Cameroon;
- The CCU validates the preliminary draft of the new Orientation Law in accordance with the proposal of CONCIU speaking on behalf of Heads of University Institutions and asks the Minister of State to facilitate the outcome of this important file.
Finally, the floor was given to each Head of Public Institution to present the level of preparedness for the start of the 2020/2021 academic year and the situation of the second wave of the special recruitment of teachers, Doctorate or PhD degree holders. From their presentations, it was overall evident that all the Universities are ready for a serene return to school, and that the recruitment of teachers took place according to the recommendations of the Minister, Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office, Chairman of the Central Recruitment Supervisory Commission.
At the end of the working session, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, congratulated participants for their fruitful contributions and urged the Heads of University Institutions to pool together good practices to ensure a successful 2020/2021 academic year, which he place under the sign of digital education and the strengthening of the fight against coronavirus.
The work of the CCU ended with a word of gratitude expressed by participants to His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State, for his very high and constant solicitude manifested to the entire University Community.