Public Service : The new recruits to the school of good practices

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education chaired this Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at the conference room 904, the impregnation workshop seminar of staff newly placed at the disposal of this ministry by the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA).
With their eyes glued on the speakers of the day, the public agents newly placed at the disposal of the Ministry of Higher Education are impregnated with the rules of ethics and professional conduct to be observed within their assignment administration. They are about thirty, ready to accompany the Minister of State in accomplishing his regalian missions. This is the first recommendation made by Professor Wilfred NYONGBET GABSA, Secretary General of this ministry, who welcomed them warmly. He also took the opportunity to invite them to be loyal to their place of duty and to their Head of service. A call to discipline that is grafted to the duty of reserve that challenges them in the same way. In turn, Professor Patrick Edgard ABANE ENGOLO, Inspector General of Services, defined the public agent as a servant who has responsibilities towards users. He added that the vocation of the Administration is to be there for others. From his speech, some prescriptions articulated around the professional obligations on the one hand, and extra-professional on the other hand should be noted. At the professional level, he insisted on the notions of assiduity, punctuality and hierarchical obedience. Clearly, it is essential to obey one’s superior, regardless of rank. At the extra-professional level, it appears that there is a continuum between private life and public service, as certain personal activities can have an impact on the regalian duties of a State agent.