8 March 2023: The Amazons of MINESUP in the continuum of festivities marking the celebration of the International Women’s Day

Few hours before the celebration of the International Women’s Day, the Amazons of the Ministry of Higher Education, magnified by the presence of the Secretary General, Personal Representative of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, accompanied by the Representative of MINPROFF, The representative of the Rector of the University of Yaounde I and the Director of the National Advanced School of Engineering Yaounde, assembled in the amphitheatre 200 of the National Advanced School of Engineering Yaounde to debate several themes in line with the general theme of this 38th edition.
On Monday, March 6,2023, has made the most of intellectual agapes through the holding of a round table on the theme: « for an inclusive digital world: innovation and technologies for gender equality », moderated by Professor Roger ATSA ETOUNDI, Head of the Division of Information Systems at MINESUP. The reflections were about the following themes:
– From stereotypes to digital transformation in bridging gendre divide : shaping the future of Cameroon’s inclusive digital economy », by Professor Patricia ASONGWE, Head of the Comparative University Systems Unit;
– Women and ICT sectors/trade « , by Mrs. Arielle KITIO TSAMO, PhD student in ICT;
– Promotion and Protection of Women and Girls’ Rights », by Professor Joyce ENDELEY, Chairperson of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion at the Cameroon Human Rights Commission (CDHC). – From this rich and instructive exchange, it should be noted that information and communication technologies are based on universality and transversality. According to the moderator, there is no other world where gender equality is perfect outside the digital world. It is in this light that an appeal was made to all Amazons accompanied by men who came for the occasion to review the educational orientation of their offspring, to seize digital opportunities through training that ensure better employability of the female elite.
After the round table, tradition was once again respected at MINESUP through the major stop punctuated by the 17th edition of the podium of Female Excellence at MINESUP. During this phase, the most deserving women were rewarded for their professional, administrative and academic performance through four distinctions : Professional Merit Letters, Diplomas of Professional Merit, Diplomas of Administrative Excellence and Diplomas of Academic Excellence. In this happy circumstance, about one hundred women have been enrolled in the arcanes of the Female Excellence of MINESUP. The closing of the festivities of the 2023 IWD is scheduled for this Wednesday 8 March with, in programme, the march-past at the Boulevard du 20 mai and cultural activities behind the ministerial building number of the Ministry of Higher Education.